Thursday, December 25, 2008
Like Father, Like Son
Merry Christmas!
Well we sure enjoyed a nice quite Christmas. It started Tuesday celebrating Christmas with the Park side, having soup and all meeting at temple square to look at the lights, nativity, and of course have some yummy hot cocoa. Thanks to Sheila, Eli was nice and bundled up in his new winter suit. It was my first Christmas ever seeing the Salt Lake temples Christmas lights. Its beautiful! The spirit is so strong and reminds me of why I really love this holiday.
Now for Christmas Eve I ended up making a turkey dinner. It was my first turkey, it turned out ok. A learning experience for sure. Anyways, I invited Bridger and Trevor to have dinner with us. Trevor ended up falling asleep and staying the night in our semi-guest room. When we all woke up, Trevor happened to be snowed in. We woke up to a beautiful blizzard, which I don't think I mentioned my first White Christmas. Trevor ended up leaving around 3 in the afternoon. I know it wasn't the Christmas he was thinking he would have. Moving on.... Luke made all of us some yummy breakfast which was; Homemade hashbrown's, eggs from Jeff's chickens, and bacon from the latest Jimmy and Dean ( from the farm). I do have to say it, Luke is turning me into a country girl! lol We finally opened presents after that.
Don't tell me, I know I look great! Lol NOT! But here are our matching footie pajamas from last Christmas. It going to be a tradition to wear them every Christmas. (Luke doesn't know yet.) Anyways our favorite part was giving Eli his big present. We got him a horse jumper. It was the sweetest thing. He knew it was for him, and once he sat in it he just jumped in it for hours. Every time he jumps in it, it Na's and giddy ups! So cute. Way worth the investment. It was so fun to have such a small Christmas with just our family, and Trevor. Lol! No joke the weather was serious stuff. lol....
Eli's First Roll Over!
Well he did it! I knew he could. Well the story goes.... I was changing Eli's diaper the back of his head was toward the tv. I left to do something, and when I came back he scooted around to see the tv to watch "ELF". I decided to give him some tummy time, he just kind of looked at me like, "what the heck mom, I am trying to watch tv." So he swung him self over and there you go there is his first roll over. I put him on his tummy and he did it over and over again. He was laughing sure proud of himself. The pictures below are him in the process of rolling over. I love being a mother it is so rewarding in everyway.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Elijah's 3 favorite things at 3 Months
Well Eli is 3 months @ around a whopping 16-17 pounds. And is loving every bit of life!
1~ BABY EINSTEIN.... He really just loves anything on tv. But baby einstein he will giggle
and laugh. He did his first roll overs only because he couldn't see the tv. I know already
need to break the habit!
2~ BATHS WITH DADDY... Luke and Eli would sit in there for hours playing with each other.
It is so fun to watch them splash around. I of course have to supervise to make sure Luke
isn't being to rough or picking on him to much.
3~ SEEING THE WORLD... Eli will look at everything. He loves going in his stroller to the
mall or some store, and watch all the different people. He especially loves to watch kids
play. We were sitting in church last week, a two year old was playing and Eli just sat there
and smiled and laughed. He loved it!
Kids just grow so fast. My next post will be pictures of Eli and his first few rollovers.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Family Pictures
Here are our new family pictures. What a cute family I have huh?!. My two boys are studs. Everything is great since the last post. It is snowing like crazy today. Do like to be in it but like to look at it from inside. Hope everyone is doing well. And hope you like the family pictures. Which my sister Miriam took and they look amazing. Thanks Mir!~
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The Latest!
I regret to say that I have been way to busy to update my blog. I do have some time on my hands that I can show you pictures from the birth and on. I will try to be as descriptive as I can. The pictures above are during the 15 hour labor. I had to catch as much sleep as I could. Which was not easy with nurses and doctors bugging you ever 2 seconds. Luke and I were so nervous during the whole thing we were just laughing through everything. Even through the epidural. Doctor said "out of the 1500 epidural he has given, this was the first time he has ever told someone to stop laughing." As painful as it was, it was very enjoyable to be with Luke. I wouldn't let him leave my side. I was very clingy.
After 15 hours and 2 hours of pushing, here is Elijah Dale Park! 8 Pounds 10 Ounces and 20 inches long. I knew he was going to be big. I was 3 days late and Luke and I were both 9-10 pound babies.We love our growing little family. Luke is a wonderful father, and I sure hope I am the mother Eli needs. My parents came up from saint george to help us for the weekend and of course to met there new favorite grandson. I left the same day of having him. Crazy thinking!?.
Well on with other stuff I will show you some more recent photos of us. Eli is now 13 1/2 weeks, and is such a joy to be around. He is starting to really giggle and laugh which is so fun. Also he is learning how to grab things with his hands so well . He is around 16 pounds and is still growing. Wearing 6-12 month clothes at 3 months. They said that they grow fast. But I didn't realize it was this fast. Luke and I love spending every moment with him and are really enjoying bonding as a family. As each challenge and hardship comes our way, we are excited to learn and grow as a family.
Luke loves being a father. There favorite thing to do is have bath time together. It is so fun to see them laugh and play together!We had Eli's baby blessing in Saint George with his older (yes older, by two weeks) cousin Portor Michael Bergquist. It was such a sweet blessing and fun experience to experience first born sons together with Aaron and Nataile.
Following my birth two weeks later our chihuahuas had there first litter of 3 puppies. The last puppy Hank ( thats what we called him) loved loved Eli and Eli him. They would snuggle and sleep together. Hank would always sit on Eli's lap and just chill with him. We just recently sold him. But it was fun while it lasted.
Elijah loves watching TV. Baby Einstein to be specific. He will sit in front of the tv for hours watching and laughing. Best invention ever!
Well the lastest news in our family. Is that Luke might be joining the ARMY! Crazy I know. He is really excited to do something different and something he has always wanted to do. I told him as long as he is not fighting in the front lines. that I would be ok with it. We are both excited for the adventure it will bring us, and the places we will be able to visit. Well to all of you. I hope I updated all of you to the fullest. I wish you all happy holidays. Till next time.