Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I haven't posted in a while... But I have lots to post now! One and All this is Thadeus, I know I can't believe it myself. He is SO BIG! I love every minute with him. So last week I went and bought a jumper for him thinking he would just love it. Which he does for about 10 minutes. And no, there is no jumping. He is "AS STIFF AS A BOARD!" Haha I just love watching his little mind work. He loves the colors, the lights and sounds. I love my baby!

Look at his little mind thinking!

He smiles at everyone! Just so happy!

How did I get so lucky to have a blue eyed baby boy! So handsome!

My sweet Baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So when you Update you really UPDATE! Lol! Love reading your posts!!